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Pascalite Clay Benefits

Pascalite Clay Benefits
Pascalite Clay Benefits
Pascalite is so versatile and has many benefits. Pascalite has been used for all these purposes and many more:
  • burns
  • facial pack
  • deodorant
  • diaper rash
  • infections
  • oral hygiene
  • detoxifier
  • spider bites
  • bee stings
  • acne and other skin problems

Buy Pascalite Clay

What is Pascalite?

Pascalite is a clay used for health purposes. Pascalite can be best classified as a calcium bentonite / montmorillonite of the non-swelling type of clay. It's categorized as a white clay but this unique mineral is actually cream-colored.

Where is Pascalite found?
In "Nature's Own Laboratory" at 8600 feet in Wyoming's Big Horn Mountains, USA. Pascalite is situated in a beautiful and secluded valley, miles from any electricity or plumbing. Located in a high vortex area, Pascalite clay has an unusually high energy level. This particular clay has been found nowhere else on earth.

When was it discovered?
The first recorded use of Pascalite was in the early 1930s when a trapper named Pascal set his traps near a cold, clear mountain lake, where the large number of animal tracks attested to the spot's popularity. Next to the lake was an outcropping of a whitish, cheese-like substance, with which his chapped hands got coated. Deciding against washing the substance off in the icy lake, he waited until he returned to his cabin. To Pascal's surprise, when he did wash the substance off, the chapping appeared to be better. Could the mysterious substance have anything to do with this healing?

Who developed it?
Pascal and his friends experimented with the substance, which seemed to have some very interesting properties, indeed. One of these friends was Ray Pendergraft, of Worland, who became partner in the tiny Pascalite mine. Ray was convinced that the clay, which he later named Pascalite, was of real value to ill or injured people unable to find relief through typical means.

Ray was to devote the rest of his life to making Pascalite available to people the world over. He died in 1998, at the age of 92, after spending more than 60 years mining, researching, promoting, using and believing in Pascalite.

Ray's family continues his time-honored methods: Pascalite is still hand-mined to avoid contamination, then solar-dried through the winter at its' high mountain source. The clay is then trucked to the Pascalite, Inc. facility in Worland where it is ground to a fine powder. All the Pascalite products are hand-processed, assuring the highest quality and consistency.

*In addition, users report Pascalite is more powerful (yet gentler) than other clays they've tried. We feel Pascalite's uses are limited only by your imagination.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.