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Agrimony Information

Agrimony Information

Agrimony (sometimes referred to as Agrimonia) is a perennial flowering plant that is a member of the rose family. Most species of this herb are native to the Northern Hemisphere regions, but at least one species appears to be native to Africa. The long flowering spikes have helped the plant earn the occasional nickname, “Church Steeples.” The plant is dark green and the flower spikes have soft hairs reaching out from stems – which help “stick” the plant’s seeds to people or animals who rub against leaves. Other reference names that seem to reflect this plant trait include Stickwort, Cockeburr and Sticklewort.

Many herbalists believe that the dried parts of the herb can be ground into powder and used to make powerful medicines – especially for sore throats, diarrhea, upset stomach and certain bleeding disorders.

Agrimony Benefits & Uses

Agronomy has a “checkered” past as far as its diverse applications. There are indications that the plant may have been used for foot baths – as a key ingredient to rejuvenate ancient worn out feet. Early Greek cultures may have also used plants to treat eye ailments, and as key ingredients in tonics to treat kidney illnesses and for diarrhea. Folk stories also mention this plant as a key ingredient to treat musket wounds and to fight off witchcraft. As if all this is not enough…Agrimony that is boiled in milk is said to be a way to cure masculine impotence. Voodoo recipes seem to indicate that Agrimony can repel a jinx and maybe even send the bad vibe back to the original perpetrator. Stories based in Wiccan myths also appear to indicate that placing leaves of this plant within a pillow or pillowcase can help elicit a deep sleep.

Modern applications seem to be less dramatic, perhaps, but are still quite diverse. The plant, in general, seems to consistently yield a yellow dye. The herb is also considered to be part of an herbal plan to help recovery with diarrhea, urinary tract irritations, bladder leakage and adult incontinence. Agrimony is also believed to be an effective medicinal agent in certain blood diseases and skin eruptions (blotchy skin tone and pimples).

In customary Chinese medicine practice, Agrimony is often listed as a key herb for increasing blood coagulation – and specifically in addressing profuse menstruation for some women.

Researchers believe that perhaps the tannins in Agrimony are the key to its ability to enhance health in the human body.

Agrimony Side Effects

While side effects seem to be rare when patients follow a doctor’s advice on use of this herb, the aforementioned high tannin content can be potentially unsafe for those that may have a sensitivity to this chemical. Damage to the kidneys and liver cells are concerns that certain medical professionals consider – and, as a result, many will recommend only short term use of Agrimony to address an illness.

Potential Drug Interactions

Very little drug interactions with Agrimony have been well documented. As always, consultation with a personal physician is strongly recommended before adding any herb into one’s daily regimen. Allergies and hypersensitivity to certain herbs do pose a serious health risk to certain people.

Generally speaking, Agrimony is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeed due to possible negative effects the herb may have on a woman’s menstrual cycle. Medical supervision is strongly advised for patients with any sort of bleeding disorder or for those taking prescriptions which may increase bleeding risks. Dosing adjustments may enhance the safety of taking such herbs and/or medicines together, although in some cases, a medical consultant will strongly advise against mixing or overlapping such herbs in a single health plan.

Available Forms

Dried leaves or stems are one of the easiest ways to acquire this herb. Agrimony can also be offered as a tincture, tea, extract, oil or infusion liquid. When applied to skin, a paste or poultice can be made from boiling water with the dried herb. If the dried herb is mixed with a warm liquid, it can be used in a soothing bath or as a gargle agent for sore throats.

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The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.