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Over 30 years ago Auromère Ayurvedic Imports started as a small community-owned business that became one of the first companies to introduce Ayurveda to the U.S. Today Auromere is a leading importer of Ayurvedic body care, conscious living products and literature. Auromère’s mission is to bring the ancient spiritual and traditional healing wisdom of India and a higher consciousness within reach of our modern, fast-paced lives.

Ayurveda, literally, “the science of life,” is the ancient system of promoting health and rejuvenation with natural herbs and minerals that began over 3000 years ago, with the legend of the great sage, Dhanwantari. As he sat in meditation in the midst of a forest, Nature revealed the curative and therapeutic properties of each tree, plant, herb, root, mineral and flower to him. These beneficial links between the vegetable, mineral and human worlds were documented and passed down through the centuries in a science that promotes bodily, psychological and spiritual health through the cultivation of a conscious, healthy diet and lifestyle. The practice of Ayurveda aims at a harmonious balance of Nature’s three subtle energies, the doshas: vata, pitta and kapha, which are present in all life and matter and represent the key to maintaining and recovering a total well-being.

More than just natural, the wild-crafted herbs and minerals used within the Auromère recipes are noted for their unique beneficial and rejuvenative qualities. The purity and effectiveness of the Ayurvedic ingredients, formulations and manufacturing procedures make Auromère products distinctively different and delightfully powerful for maintaining health, well-being, and beauty. Products include toothpaste, mouth wash, handmade soaps, neem balm, shampoo, mud bath, massage oil, body lotion, aromatherapy incense and more. In addition Auromère imports a wide range of books on Ayurveda, holistic health, Integral Yoga, and classical spiritual texts from India. A complete listing of Auromère products and books can be found on the company’s website at

The company works closely with its suppliers in India to ensure the highest quality, authentic, natural products, engaging local specialists, practitioners and cottage industries which provide employment in local village communities in various parts of the country.

Auromère itself is owned and operated by a non-profit Integral Yoga community and run by residential members and volunteers as a part of their spiritual practice. Proceeds support the upkeep and activities of the community, and donations are regularly channeled to schools and other Integral Yoga organizations in the U.S. and India, including Auroville, the bio-sustainable “City of Human Unity” in southeastern India where Auromere soap is made.

Ayurvedic Soap Sandal Turmeric 2.75 oz
Ayurvedic Soap Sandal Turmeric 2.75 oz 027275400014
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Toothpaste Freshmint 4.16 fl oz
Toothpaste Freshmint 4.16 fl oz 027275200041
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.