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Beth Root Tincture - 1 oz

Beth Root Tincture - 1 oz
Item# WRH105901

An excellent tonic for the uterus. Its astringent power explains its use for bleeding and hemorrhage, excessive blood flow or blood loss between periods. It is specifically used for blood loss during menopausal changes. Trillium contains a natural precursor of the female sex hormones, which the body may utilize or not, thereby having a normalizing effect. It is used for menorrhagia and metrorrhagia and against complications arising during labor, including post-partum hemorrhage. It is considered to be a specific for excessive blood loss associated with menopausal changes, and is a palliative remedy for blood loss from the urinary tract.

It is also used to treat coughs, bronchial problems and pulmonary hemorrhage, as well as gastro-intestinal bleeding, diarrhea and dysentery. The underlying causes of any blood loss should be treated with the appropriate remedies.

Dosage: 15-30 drops 1 or 2 times per day.

Brand: Wind River
Beth Root Tincture - 1 oz

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