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Bharath Darshan Incense - 12 Boxes, Vadik Herbs
Bharath Darshan Incense - 12 Boxes, Vadik Herbs
Item# 100D7

Bharat Darshan incense sticks are made in Bangalore and come packed in 20 gm boxes. The fragrance is a light, subtle mix of (among other things) sandalwood, jasmine and vanilla described on the packet as a fragrance which spreads, freshens the mind and atmosphere. A box contains (on average) 20 nine inch sticks, which burn for about 35 - 40 minutes each.

Bharath is the Sanskrit name for ancient India and means the land where the people are attached to God. Darshan is also a Sanskrit word meaning to see and be seen by a deity or holy person, or to make a pilgrimage to a sacred place. So Bharath Darshan, roughly translated, means something like Pilgrimage to Ancient India.

Brand: Vadik Herbs
Bharath Darshan Incense - 12 Boxes


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