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Bugleweed - 1 oz

Bugleweed - 1 oz
Item# WRH106901

Recent research shows an anti-hormonal, particularly anti-thyrotrophic, activity for this herb. It is used specifically in Grave's disease with cardiac involvement there the symptoms include tightness of breathing, palpitations and shaking. Lycopus extracts have been used smpirically in the treatment of Graves disease, where a thyroid-stimulating antibody is found in the blood; this antibody has been shown to bind to and be inhibited by the plant extract. Its action is less powerful than that of synthetic drugs, but is usually adequate in less severe cases and safe for long-term treatment. It increases the force of myocardial contraction and reduces heart rate; it is indicated in nervous tachycardia. It will aid a weak heart where there is associated fluid retention. It is a useful sedative cough remedy, especially in irritating coughs and those of nervous origin, or where there is copious sputum. Lycopus was such used in the past for the treatment of consumption.

Dosage: 15-30 drops 1 or 2 times per day.

Brand: Wind River
Bugleweed - 1 oz

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