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Burdock Root Tincture - 1 oz

Burdock Root Tincture - 1 oz
Item# WRH107001

For chronic skin eruptions or diseases. System balancer.

Not for use during pregnancy.

Burdock root and seeds are an alterative, diuretic and diaphoretic. It is one of the best blood purifiers. Used on many skin diseases, and can be particularly effective for eczema, either taken alone or combined with Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.Traditionally it has also been used to impart strength and tone to the stomach, for some forms of long-standing indigestion. Externally, it's also effective for relieving bruises and inflamed surfaces generally.

Dosage: 15-30 drops 1 or 2 times per day.

Brand: Wind River
Burdock Root Tincture - 1 oz


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.