Cayenne has been known for its ability to aid in digestion, improve circulation, and reduce or stop bleeding from stomach ulcers. Taken internally it stimulates circulation and induces sweating to breed a fever.
Some native people of Thailand believe that eating Cayenne everyday helps reduce blood cots. Herbalists recommend it to treat colds and infectious diarrhea, arthritis and rheumatism. There is scientific evidence that suggests adding Cayenne Pepper to meals boosts vitamin C levels and revs up the metabolism.
This pepper is also used with lobelia to help soothe nerves. It is beneficial for the heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, spleen, and stomach. In naturopathic medicine, Cayenne is combined with lemon juice, and salt to relieve even the worst sore throat pain for up to 4 hours. It also fights viral infection. When applied topically in a lotion or salve Cayenne works to soothe muscle aches and pains associated with arthritis, rheumatism, backache, strains and sprains.
Dosage: 15-30 drops 1 or 2 times per day.
Brand: Wind River
Cayenne Tincture - 8oz
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