Finds its main use in the treatment and prevention of stone and gravel in the urinary system and the gallbladder. A specific herb for the feeling of constriction with irritation, such as in hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Improves circulation and venous tone. Also for laryngitis or hoarse throat. Other Names: Stone Root, hardhack, horseweed, heal-all, knob grass, knob root, richweed.
Stone Root is used mainly in the treatment and prevention of stone and gravel in the urinary system and the gall-bladder. It can be used as a prophylactic but is also excellent when the body is in need of help in passing stones of gravel. It is also a strong diuretic.
Traditional herbalists have used stone root for hemorrhoids, catarrhal gastritis, pain in the rectum, heart tonic, rheumatic inflammation, laryngitis, pharyngitis, clergyman's sore throat, dysentery, ulcers, fistula, inflammation of the middle ear, acute cystitis, and vaginismus.
Dosage: 15-30 drops 1 or 2 times per day.
Brand: Wind River
Collinsonia Root Tincture - 2oz