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Cayenne Heat Ointment 4 oz. - Dr. Christopher's

Cayenne Heat Ointment 4 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Item# 084783347446

Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Heat Ointment is one of nature's principle based formulas used historically to help promote the relief of sore and tense muscles and joints. Brings heat to areas that need it the most. When used in combination with Complete Tissue & Bone Ointments or Oils, it helps to speed up the process in which the body uptakes the regenerating components of the Complete Tissue & Bone Formula.

Externally: Apply liberal amounts to area and massage, if needed or as directed by your health care professional.

For optimum results: When used if conjunction with Complete Tissue & Bone Formula (or other healing ointment), first work the Complete Tissue & Bone Ointment or massage oil into the area, then work the Cayenne Heat Ointment or oil in the area.

Special note: The Cayenne Heat Ointment acts as a rubefacient, which draws the blood to the surface of the skin. This is normal for this type of ointment. If the 'heating' effects are too hot, use olive oil (or other high grade vegetable oil) to dilute the Cayenne Heat Ointment. Just massage the olive oil in the same area as the Cayenne Heat Massage Oil. Do not attempt to wash the balm off in the shower or with water. Water intensifies heat!

Ingredients: Cayenne Pepper (40,000 H.U.), Virgin Olive Oil, Oil of Wintergreen, Menthol Crystals & other pure essential oils as fragrances & Beeswax.

Ailments traditionally used for:
Abrasions, Apoplexy, Arthritis (Gout), Arthritis (Osteo), Arthritis (Rheumatoid), Athletic Performance, Atherosclerosis,
Bloating (Water Retention), Bright's Disease, Bruises, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Degenerative Joint Disease,
Dupuytren's Contracture, Fragile Capillaries, Gangrene, Gout,
Headache, Hemorhage, Herpes (Zoster), Housemaid's Knee, Injuries, Intermittent Claudication, Rheumatism, Shingles, Sport Supplements, Sprains, Stiffnecks, Strains, Tumor, Varicose Veins

Cayenne Heat Oint
ment 4 oz.

Directions: Apply externally for temporary minor discomfort. Avoid contact to sensitive areas, especially the eyes & lips. Rub in thoroughly to avoid possible staining to clothing. External Use Only. Refrigerate after opening.

Cayenne Heat Ointment 4 oz. previously known as Deep Heating Balm.

Brand: Dr. Christopher's
Cayenne Heat Ointment 4 oz.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.