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Kombucha 2000, Ear Cones,  2 Cones per package
Kombucha 2000, Ear Cones, 2 Cones per package
Item# 206034000263

Ear coning, or ear candling, is a simple and safe way of removing excess wax and toxins from the inside of your ears. The process is very relaxing and soothing. Ear coning was used by the ancient Egyptians, American Indians and European healers. As the cone is burning, excess ear wax is removed from the ear canal into the inside of the cone. The smoke soothes the nasal and sinus cavities. Aside from helping remove ear wax. Ear coning may improve your hearing, smell, taste, vision and color perception. It will also detoxify the sinuses and lymph system. You may even feel your headaches decreasing.

Suggested Use:
1. Have an adult assist you.
2. Place a towel on your shoulder.
3. Take a paper plate and cut an opening large enough for the candle to fit through without being bent. Then push the small tip through the opening. You need to hold the candle away from your face and at an angle so the wax drips on the paper plate. By angling the candle, you prevent wax from dripping down the ear canal.
4. Lie on your side.
5. Light the large end of the candle and insert the small side into the ear. If you should see any smoke coming out from the ear, then the cone has not been rested correctly.
6. Allow the candle to burn 3 to 4 inches. Remove the candle and turn it upside down (the candle should turn off itself) and push the debris out of the candle with a skewer into a bowl of water.
7. Relight the candle and continue burning another 3 to 4 inches. Do not let the candle burn more than 2 inches from the plate.
8. Take the candle out of the plate and extinguish it by putting it in the container of water.
9. After you are done coning, you may clean your ears with a Q-tip, not going too deep.
10. If you have serious ear disease or an upper respiratory infection, then please consult with your physician before you begin this treatment. Do not cone if you have a perforated eardrum.

Supplies You Will Need:

A. Ear Cones
B. Hand Towels/Napkins
C. Bowl of Water
D. Paper Plates (guard plates)
E. Matches
F. Skewers (cleaning sticks)
G. Q-tip, cotton balls
H. Ear oil
I. Scissors

Product Facts: Made of Unbleached 100% Cotton Strips and dipped in wax (beeswax).

Warnings: The cones should be stored in a cool place until they're ready to use. Presence of 2 or more people is recommended during coning process. It is important to keep an eye on how far the cone burns.

Brand: Kombucha 2000
Ear Cones, 2 Cones per package

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.