Hawthorn Berry Powder has many uses such as edema or dropsy. Traditionally it is also useful in treating sore throats, can help clear the kidney in such troubles, and taking four to six of them, to prevent miscarrige, a poultice of the pulped leaves or fruits has strong drawing powers and country people for ages have used Hawthorn for treatment of embedded thorns, splinters and also for whitlows.
This deciduous, thorny shrub or tree is 30 feet high. The trunk or stems are hard wood with smooth ash-gray bark and thorny branches. The small, shiny, serrated, 3-irregular toothed lobed leaves are dark green on top and light bluish-green underneath. The white flowers with round petals grow in terminal corymbs. The fruit, or haw, is a 2~3 seeded, fleshy pome, scarlet on the outside, yellowish and pulpy on the inside. Various species are found throughout the world. Note: The 1-5 inch straight or curved single thorns of the haw are not found on any of the other native shrubs or trees on this continent which makes this genus easy to differentiate.
It is a astringent, cardiac, diuretic, sedative, tonic, and vasodilator. The leaves, flowers,and haws are historically used for treating heart weakness caused by kidney disease, for irregular heart beat and artery spasms. It dilates the heart's blood vessels which controls both high and low blood pressure and nervous heart. A tea is also good for nervous conditions, particularly insomnia. Steep 1 teaspoon of the flowers in 1/2 cup water. Take 1-1 1/2 cups a day, a mouthful at a time. Use concentrated preparation under medical direction.
Brand: Best Botanicals
Hawthorn Berry Powder 16 oz.