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July 2014 Newsletter - Sun Protection, Dates & NOW Foods Basil Oil

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Natural Sun Protection Tips

It’s official! Summer is here. But along with wonderful aromas from delicious things sizzling on the grill and the excuse to eat more popsicles, there’s those little tricks we need to remember when it comes to warm weather dangers.

Exposure to that luscious sunshine can make us feel good give us a great tan…but sun exposure is also the culprit some dermatologists blame for facial wrinkles and/or facial age spots. Too much sun can also heighten skin cancer risk. Yikes!

But a little extra planning can help you enjoy that summer sunshine in safe and healthy ways. To help get you started, here are some of my favorite Skin Protection Tips:

  1. Sunscreen Spending Spree. At the beginning of the season, I like to buy numerous little tubes of sunscreen with a variety of sun protection factor (SPF) options. Then, I put them all in a little beach bag on a hanger in the front closet. Family members are walking out the door to mow the lawn or ride a bike or heading out on a last minute pool date with friends? They grab a tube with a protection level appropriate for what they need. If numerous people are heading out to different venues, no problem! There’s always a handy little tube for everyone to conveniently slip the protecting lotion into a purse or pocket. Just remember to replace the tubes upon your return so you can use the unused portions next for your next outing.
  2. Start with a FRESH Selection of Lotion. Speaking of those lotions…many experts recommend buying fresh sunscreen each year because some key ingredients may lose their potency protection while stored in the winter months.
  3. Wear a Hat. Wear a Swim T-shirt. Sunscreen wears off after a while thanks to sweat and/or a long dip in the pool. And sometimes extra protection is needed. So, if you know you’re going to be outside for a long period of time doing lawn work, wear a hat in addition to applying a healthy helping of sunscreen. Going to a water park with friends in the afternoon? Opt for sunscreen AND a t-shirt style swim top that will help give shoulders extra protection.
  4. Avoid direct sun exposure during the peak UV hours from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, if you can. That’s when those rays are potentially the most dangerous.
  5. Protect Children's Skin. Many experts estimate that nearly 80% of sun damage we acquire in our lifetime is acquired prior to age 18. So help those youngsters with extra reminders and education on how to keep from getting singed.
  6. Consider a Sunny Supplement. In addition to the traditional sunscreen lotion, you may want to ask your personal physician about the “Sun Pill” to boost your protection. Supplements with a key ingredient called Polypodium leucotomos may help provide extra protection for your skin from redness and UV damage beyond the typical topical creams.
  7. Love Your Locks! UVB and UVA sunshine rays can wreak havoc on your highlights, damage your hair cuticle and give you frizzy or weakened tendrils! The aforementioned hat will help keep some hair damage at bay. But, there are also UV Protection conditioners, sprays and shampoos that may give you what you need to provide extra coverage. The SPF 12 level seems to be a popular added benefit provided as a standard by many manufacturers. Weekly deep conditioning treatments can also help you maintain your hair’s luscious moisture.
  8. Protect your pucker! Many lip balms are also clearly labeled with an SPF factor element listed on the packaging. The sun can cause your skin to lose elasticity…and your lips are no exception.

Healthy Food for July



Dates are one of nature's most wonderful foods. If you are struggling with constipation or regularity, this little guy can get you back on track soon. One little date has 1.6 grams of fiber. Try eating one date before each meal (3 dates a day), and you will notice a difference in your bowel movements.

Dates are also high in iron, as well as B-6, Calcium, Magnesium as well as Vitamins A and K. Dates have a low Glycemic Index and make the perfect snack for everyone, including diabetics.

So, try some dates instead of prunes or raisins. Note: Not all dates are the same. Some are too old and dried out. Look for plump looking dates that don't look too dry. They can be a little expensive, but if you can find organic dates, they are usually the best.

Staff Pick for July

Problem: Lack of Energy

Basil Essential Oil

Basil oil is uplifting, energizing, and purifying. It's aroma is warm and spicy. Use it in aromatherapy or mix with a carrier oil. Mix it with other oils too using recipes from an aromatherapy book.

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.