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Organic Reishi Mushroom Tea, 18 bag, Buddha Teas
Organic Reishi Mushroom Tea, 18 bag, Buddha Teas
Item# 819005010682

Buddha Teas takes pride in offering an organic Reishi Mushroom Tea that is packaged in unbleached tea bags. You will be at peace knowing you are getting pure herbal teas free from unwanted chemical additives. Drink Reishi Mushroom Tea regularly to receive the full advantages this herbal brew has to offer. Traditionally known as the mushroom of kings, the reishi mushroom makes a distinct, and benefits-rich tea.

Reishi Mushroom Tea Health Benefits

  • Contains coumarin
  • Contains alkaloids
  • Contains triterpenoids
  • 18 Bleach Free Tea Bags / Box

Brewing Suggestions

For a proper cup of tea ...

  • Recommended temperature: 205°
  • Cover and steep to taste.
  • Remove tea bag and enjoy!

In the Know

The reishi mushroom, also known as the Lingzhi mushroom, has been given lofty titles throughout history, including the “mushroom of immortality,” and "divine plant of longevity." This highly respected fungus makes its home in East Asia, and has been an important part of Chinese culture for more than 2,000 years. In fact, reishi is the oldest mushroom to be used among herbalists the world over.

What Exactly is Reishi Mushroom

This highly beneficial fungus likes dead things … really! Reishi grows on trees that are either dead or dying, and, ironically, prefers a particular type of hemlock. (Socrates is said to have committed suicide by ingesting a drink made with hemlock.) It boasts a shiny, red hue that gets darker as it ages. These mushrooms are loyalists, committing to growing on the same tree for years.

If you’re into etymology, the two-thousand-year-old Chinese history of the name of the lingzhi fungus provides enthusiasts with some intrigue. In the Chinese language, lingzhi is a compound. Ling means ‘spirit, spiritual; soul; miraculous; sacred; divine,’ and zhi translates to ‘plant of longevity; fungus; mushroom.’ * Put together, the name truly does make sense, and tell you all you really need to know about this well-reputed mushroom.

The Health Benefits of Reishi Mushroom

A compound isolated from the Lingzhi mushroom has been shown to contain a similar chemical make-up to that of steroid hormones. The medical field has tested this component, and some results indicate that reishi mushroom has the potential to stimulate one’s immune system.

What Does Reishi Mushroom Taste Like?

Although the raw reishi mushroom, as well as other reishi mushroom teas have been said to have a bitter, unpleasant taste, the flavor of Buddha Teas Reishi Mushroom Tea provides a smooth, earthy, and decidedly drinkable brew.

Where to Buy Reishi Mushroom Tea?

Reishi Mushroom Tea can be a difficult herbal supplement to find at local health food stores.

Why choose Buddha Teas?

What sets us apart from other tea companies? We start with a philosophy of living in harmony with nature, not using it for profit. Buddha Teas uses only fresh, pure organic or sustainably wild harvested ingredients and maintains their natural purity in every tea we sell. We have also created the "Teas for Trees" campaign, planting 5000 trees a year to offset the paper use in our tea bags. Each of our tea bags is bleach-free to eliminate the risk of chemicals, and our boxes are made from 100% recycled material. When you buy Buddha Teas, you'll enjoy the fresh, full flavor of a truly natural tea in every sip.

Brand: Buddha Teas
Organic Reishi Mushroom Tea, 18 bag


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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.