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Pascalite Powder Bag, 100% Pure - 25 lb, Pascalite Inc

Pascalite Powder Bag, 100% Pure - 25 lb, Pascalite Inc
Item# pascalite-powder-bag-25-lb

Calcium Bentonite Montmorillonite Powder has been used effectively for many contions and ailments.

Suggested Use:

  • As Poultice - mix well with water to form a thick paste, apply to skin. Keep moist for several hours, then wash off.
  • As Skin Cleanser & Softener - mix well with water to form a paste, apply to face or skin, let dry, then flush off.
  • As Deodorant - Apply dry to feet, underarms, etc.


Is a form of calcium bentonite (Montmorillonite) formed millions of years ago, probably through volcanic action. A cream-colored, cheese-like material containing at least twenty elements including iron, magnesium, and silicon, Pascalite differs from the better known and more widespread sodium bentonite in that it does not swell with water.

The clay is now called Pascalite after a French-Canadian trapper and prospector, Emile Pascal, who first began mining it. Pascal, trapping in the Big Horn Mountains about 1930, found his badly chapped hands healed quickly when plastered with Pascalite. He tried it on his face for snowburn, and was amazed at the result. He filed a mining claim and began telling people about the white mud. Testimonies of the clay's medical and cosmetic usefulness spread. It has been used locally for sixty years, and, increasingly, world-wide as a natural, homeopathic remedy for what ails you.


Pascalite is used in soap, applied as a poultice to insect bites, sunburns, infections, cold sores and acne. Users found it a potent skin cleanser and conditioner. Ranchers and veterinarians applied it to wounds and infections on livestock.

  • % US RDA*
  • Iron....27 mg 150%
  • Magnesium....80 mg 20%
  • Calcium......47 mg 5%

Suggested Use:

  • (External) - As a poultice - Mix well with water (or colloidal/Ionic Silver) to form a thick paste, apply to skin. Keep moist for several hours, then wash off.
  • As a cleanser and softener - Mix well with water to form a past, apply to face or skin. Let dry, then flush off.
  • As a deodorant and freshener - Apply dry to feet, underarms, etc.

Ingredients: Wyoming Calcium Montmorillonite Bentonite Clay

Brand: Pascalite Inc
Pascalite Powder Bag, 100% Pure - 25 lb


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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.