A biennial upright shrub with creeping perennial roots. The stems are smooth, bristly, with or without hooked prickles. Leaves are alternate, pinnate with 3-7 oval leaflets. The white flowers are cup-shaped. The fruit is red, made up of cohering drupelets. Found throughout North America in thickets, untended fields and is widely cultivated.
The berries make a delicious food, high in Vit. C, and minerals . They are used as a flavoring, and a red dye. It is a anti-nausea, astringent, and laxative. It is a remedy for diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, to prevent miscarriage, increase milk in nursing mothers, reduce labor pains, a mild laxative, soothing to the kidneys and urinary tract. Steep 1-2 tablespoons of the leaves in 1/2 cup water. Take 1 cup a day. A tea of the leaves, simmered 10 minutes, is used for washing sores, ulcers and raw surfaces.
Brand: Best Botanicals
Red Raspberry Leaf Cut 16 oz.
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