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September 2014 Newsletter - Bad Breath, Broccoli & Pascalite Soap

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Natural Bad Breath Remedies

Hypnosis. Diagnosis. Fibrosis. Cirrhosis.

What do all these words have in common? Well…they are all a little tricky to spell AND they all rhyme with a word that prompts a daily spot of anxiety for many people.

What word am I teasing you about? That’s right. I’m talking about HALITOSIS. See there? I just shivered in dread and apprehension! Whether I chatting up a co-worker, my beloved mother-in-law or the lady giving me a facial, there is that little spot of fear we all have experienced.

Is that quiche I had for lunch (and adored) giving me a nasty case of bad breath? Am I standing far enough away for those onions in that salad to be undetected?

I might wonder thoughts like this during a conversation or have a similar concern just as I head into an afternoon meeting with my boss. But a case of these types of worries can be distracting, at the very least. Or a serious health concern at the very most.

Some studies also show that bad breath can be a major turn off during a first date -- as well as be a factor for some people when deciding if they should break off or dial back a relationship of some sort. And sometimes the causes for the unpleasant breath odor can be a warning sign that an aspect of your health needs to be addressed.

Bottom line? Halitosis is bad-a-tosis for your life.

Okay, okay. Bad-a-tosis isn’t a real word…but this issue is very valid!

The good news is that, because lots of people struggle with bad breath, there are options for addressing the issue. Below are some key tips you may want to consider using for yourself if you’re battling bad breath:

  1. Brush to Beat Bacteria and Give Yourself a Beauty Boost
    When the delicious morsels you eat for lunch mix with compounds in your mouth, the food breaks down. If bacteria levels get out of whack, bad breath can be the outcome – especially with certain foods like garlic or onions on the menu. A quick brushing can help keep bacteria in the right place. Consider carrying a little travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste container in your purse, in your car or other convenient bag. These tools can be accessed and used easily if you pack them in the right spot and easily access/use them throughout your day as desired.
  2. The Dentist is Darn Dazzling
    Aside from brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day – there’s another key reason visiting your dentist worth your time. Regular dental visits can help you guide away from gum disease, avoid plaque buildup and tooth decay. And all of these efforts will help keep your smile dazzling and brighter…and healthy gums can keep your breath smelling sweeter.
  3. Manage Those Medications
    Certain pharmaceuticals can cause dry mouth and/or release chemicals that can make our breath less than fresh. Acknowledging this challenge and speaking to a personal physician about the concern can help many patients plan how to counteract these less than desirable side effects. Sometimes an easy remedy might be as simple drinking more water throughout the day via a basic or super fancy water dispenser.
  4. Learn About Oil Pulling
    Rinsing your mouth with sunflower or sesame oil may help to improve gum health and reduce bacteria levels. Consult a medical professional or herbalist to see if this solution might be a match for your lifestyle.
  5. Ponder Probiotics
    A healthy diet offering enough zinc and Vitamin B might be a great way to help your bad breath stay at bay. But certain enzyme supplements might aid in proper digestion and keep healthy bacteria at the accurate levels…and help you smell a little sweeter. Gum Powder products might also provide the perfect solution for some.
  6. Lemon in the Water. Cloves in the Tea.
    While this mantra might not work for everyone. Some people swear by sucking on a lemon wedge with a dash of salt after eating onions or other offensive foods. Clove oil recipes might also be an option. Check out products at your local health food store or online health product provider and follow the instructions provided.
  7. Fresh Breath Features
    Again, although products that might work for someone might not work for the next person…there are some foods that are reputed to help combat halitosis for many users. Chewing on mint, parsley and basil herbal leaves are some of the most common recommendations. Enjoying a few hazelnuts after a meal is also rumored to be an aide to keep bad breath at bay, too. Sucking on cinnamon bark or indulging in a few apple slices may also help keep bacterial levels in a good place.

Find Bad Breath Supplements

Healthy Food for September



Oh, little trees...broccoli has cancer fighting and immune boosting properties much like other cruciferous vegetables.

broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant compound and anti-carcinogen which has been found to boost liver function and slow breast, cervical and prostate cancer.

Broccoli also reduces cholesterol via high fiber, reduces inflammation, is an excellent antioxidant and provides support for your bones and heart. What more could you ask for from your veggies?

Staff Pick for September

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is one of the most comforting and sexy smelling oils out there. Enjoy the relaxing aroma by mixing with a carrier oil or putting it in a diffuser. Mix it with other oils too using recipes from an aromatherapy book.

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Pascalite Soap
Pascalite Soap
Sale Price: $5.50
Pasca-Glow bar soap. Unique, long-lasting and extremely popular! A total use soap for shower or bath, equally good for oily and sensitive skin. Calcium Bentonite Montmorillonite Natural Glycerin Soap Formula is Hand Made and developed to pamper the body as a total body wash with exfoliating qualities.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.