Natural Bad Breath Remedies
Hypnosis. Diagnosis. Fibrosis. Cirrhosis.
What do all these words have in common? Well…they are all a little tricky to spell AND they all rhyme with a word that prompts a daily spot of anxiety for many people.
What word am I teasing you about? That’s right. I’m talking about HALITOSIS. See there? I just shivered in dread and apprehension! Whether I chatting up a co-worker, my beloved mother-in-law or the lady giving me a facial, there is that little spot of fear we all have experienced.
Is that quiche I had for lunch (and adored) giving me a nasty case of bad breath? Am I standing far enough away for those onions in that salad to be undetected?
I might wonder thoughts like this during a conversation or have a similar concern just as I head into an afternoon meeting with my boss. But a case of these types of worries can be distracting, at the very least. Or a serious health concern at the very most.
Some studies also show that bad breath can be a major turn off during a first date -- as well as be a factor for some people when deciding if they should break off or dial back a relationship of some sort. And sometimes the causes for the unpleasant breath odor can be a warning sign that an aspect of your health needs to be addressed.
Bottom line? Halitosis is bad-a-tosis for your life.
Okay, okay. Bad-a-tosis isn’t a real word…but this issue is very valid!
The good news is that, because lots of people struggle with bad breath, there are options for addressing the issue. Below are some key tips you may want to consider using for yourself if you’re battling bad breath:
Healthy Food for September
Oh, little trees...broccoli has cancer fighting and immune boosting properties much like other cruciferous vegetables.
broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant compound and anti-carcinogen which has been found to boost liver function and slow breast, cervical and prostate cancer.
Broccoli also reduces cholesterol via high fiber, reduces inflammation, is an excellent antioxidant and provides support for your bones and heart. What more could you ask for from your veggies?
Staff Pick for September
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is one of the most comforting and sexy smelling oils out there. Enjoy the relaxing aroma by mixing with a carrier oil or putting it in a diffuser. Mix it with other oils too using recipes from an aromatherapy book.
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The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.