A small to medium sized tree, 4.0-60 feet tall. The white, slightly scented inner bark is mucilaginous (slippery). The oval leaves are rough and sandpapery above, hairy beneath and sharply double toothed with the sides of the base unequal. The twigs are rough-hairy, the older bark is grayish. Red flowers appear in catkins, early spring. A solitary seed is encased in round, waferlike, smooth surfaced wings. Found in eastern, central North America in rich soil, woods.
The roasted nuts are excellent eaten as is, ground into flour, or candied. It is a demulcent, diuretic,and emollient. The inner bark is used for soothing properties, for sore throat, diarrhea, and urinary problems. It is made into a poultice for inflamed skin and sores. Used for vaginal suppositories, enemas, vaginal douche. Steep 2 ounces, or more, of the inner bark in 1 quart water for 1 hour or longer, sweeten. Take 1 teaspoon every 30 minutes.
Brand: Best Botanicals
Slippery Elm Bark Powder 4 oz.
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