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Serenity2000 Hercules Magnetic Bracelet - Tungsten Carbide

Serenity2000 Hercules Magnetic Bracelet - Tungsten Carbide
Item# 645947101733

Serenity2000 Hercules Magnetic Bracelet is made from Tungsten Carbide which is the hardest magnetic jewelry made to date. Highly resistant to scratching or dulling. Serenity 2000 proudly brings you this new Space Age Jewelry in six gorgeous styles. "Hercules" contains 30 high power, 11,500 gauss magnets. Most commonly used for pain in the hand, wrist, arm & shoulder. Added benefits; stress relief, increased energy and stamina. Eliminates magnetic deficiency.

Brand: Serenity 2000
Tungsten Carbide Magnetic Bracelet -Hercules


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