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The Original Unker's Spray, 1oz.

The Original Unker's Spray, 1oz.
Item# 084345021005

The Original Unker's Spray is the same powerful formula as Unkers Salve, only in a more powerful, highly concentrated form. It’s a natural, pure botanical oil spray that is greaseless and fast acting.

Deep penetrating and absorbing, so no massaging is necessary. It’s the perfect travel companion for car, purse, office or gym bag. Comes in three sizes. Natu-Rub is the spray version of the Original Unker's famous salve product. This greaseless liquid formula is concentrated with all natural essential oils and is ideal for muscle pain as it begins to absorb into the skin immediately.

Unker's oil is an all natural product that contains only high quality pure essential oils including eucalyptus, oil of pine needle, menthol crystals, oil of camphor, and oil of wintergreen. This is a multi-purpose oil that provides relief from the pain of deep muscle aches and pains, cuts and bruises, bee and bug bites, minor sports injuries, all types of burns, congestion, and headaches. Colds, coughs, sore throats and flu.


  • Menthol Crystals 7.54%
  • Oil of Camphor.44%
  • Eucalyptol Oil .77%
  • Wintergreen .89%
  • Oil of Pine Needles .67%

Adults and Children 2 years of age and older: Apply to the affected area, not more than 3 to 4 times daily. Children under the age of 2, should use with caution.

Suggested Uses:
* Sore Aching Muscles and Joints. Gently rub a liberal amount into the effected areas as needed for comfort. One of the mysteries of Unker's Salve is how it cools when applied to a burn, but when applied to sore muscles it heats up and soothes.

* Cuts - Abrasions - Bruises: Unker's speeds up the healing process. It is safe to apply the salve to cuts to help stop the bleeding. Don't suffer the pain of paper cuts or torn fingernails again.

* Coughs: Rub Unker's Salve unto the soles of the feet. This generally stops coughing through the night. Some users report relief within 30 minutes.

* Throat Congestion: Apply a generous amount of Unker's to your chest, throat, and back. Cover with a warm cloth for sleep-able relief.

* Vaporizer: Place a tablespoon of Unker's in your vaporizer. Let the soothing vapors work while you sleep.

* Head Colds: Apply the salve to areas around the nose, on the forehead and behind the ears.

* Dry Cracked Hands and Feet: Many people report that Unker's has cleared up cracked and bleeding hands and feet. Relief begins with the first application and continued use helps prevent re-occurrence. Simply rub Unker's into the affected areas.

* Burns: Apply the salve to the minor burn and feel the cooling, relief begins. Works especially well on small burns caused by curling irons, soldering irons, and kitchen related burns.

* Ear Aches: Place a small amount of Unker's on a Q-tip and gently swab inside the ear canal. Also, apply a small amount behind the ear. Many customers report near instant relief.

* Cramps Massage Unker's Salve in for almost immediate, lasting relief.

* Just to Feel Good: Fill the bath tub with hot or warm water. Rub a thin coating of Unker's Salve over your entire body staying away from private parts and eyes. Soak in the tub and enjoy the pleasant tingling sensation clear to the bone. Your water will feel like it is getting colder but, it's not. Actually, your body heat is dropping. When you get out you will feel cold and begin to shiver for a short time. Wrap up in a warm towel or robe and you'll soon feel great.

Brand: The Original Unkers
Unker's® Therapeutic Spray, 1oz.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.