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Whole Body Turmeric Extra, 60 Softgels, Irwin Naturals

Whole Body Turmeric Extra, 60 Softgels, Irwin Naturals
Item# 710363586379

Whole-Body Turmeric Extra is a complex formula designed for whole body wellness.* At the heart of this product is Curcumin C3 Complex®, a powerful extract derived from the turmeric rhizome. Turmeric has been used traditionally in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for a myriad of overall health benefits.* It is also widely used in cooking and contributes to Indian curry’s flavor and yellow color. The active compounds in Turmeric called curcuminoids, which include curcumin, known for its powerful antioxidant activity; this formula delivers a full 300mg of this amazing Turmeric extract per daily dose.*

This product also features Boswellia, also known as Indian Frankincense, Devil’s Claw extract, Rose Hip extract and Maritime Pine extract. This product can be taken daily for ongoing maintenance of overall health and well-being.*

Brand: Irwin Naturals
Whole Body Turmeric Extra, 60 Softgels


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.