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Potassium Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 48 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife

Potassium Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 48 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Item# 891663002100

Potassium Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 48 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Mineralife's Liquid Ionic Potassium An advanced aqueous form of Potassium Ions(IsoIonic™)** in clear solution for quicker absorption than tablets or capsules which must first dissolve in the digestive system before being absorbed. Patented, clinically tested professional grade CHD-Fulvic Acid has been added to further increase absorption and enhance overall well-being as fulvicacid has natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties.

**IsoIonic™ is defined as water-soluble mono-atomic mineral ions.

Potassium benefits and/or deficiency symptoms are generic for the mineral. No product claims are being made or implied. Research is ongoing.

Concentration: 19,800 PPM or mg/L

Mineralife's Liquid Potassium Supplement Helps to Support:

•A healthy blood pressure level*

•Healthy skin tissue*

•Healthy lipid levels*

•Healthy nerve transmission in the body*

•Cardiovascular health*

•Athletic performance*

•Nerve and cellular integrity and health*

Potassium is Required and is One of the Major Electrolytes

•Potassium neutralizes acids to help maintain the correct body pH.*

•Potassium works with Sodium in all cells including nerve synapses to maintain/restore membrane potential and assist in metabolic processes.*

•As an electrolyte, Potassium is necessary for maintaining the correct water balance in the body and for the proper elimination of waste.*

•Potassium is also vital to cardiovascular and nerve function, through regulating the transfer of nutrients into cells.*

•Potassium is a natural pain desenistizer.*

•Potassium promotes faster healing of bruises, cuts & other injuries.*

•Potassium aids in joint health by neutralizing acids that may cause joint stiffness.*

Why Mineralife Potassium Supplement?

•Prepared from a pure elemental source

•Angstrom-sized, water soluble minerals (IsoIonic™) provide the greatest absorption and utilization in the body.

•Formulated using our patent-pending MET water, a multi-step purified energy enhanced water that helps activate minerals into their electronically charged ionic state for maximum benefit.

•Contains CHD-FA to enhance absorption and overall well-being.

•8oz bottle provides 48 day supply.

Brand: Mineralife
Potassium Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 48 Day Supply - 8 oz


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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.