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Mineralife Ionic Liquid Mineral Supplements

Mineralife Ionic Liquid Mineral Supplements
Minerals are the often forgotten essential elements for good health. People think of minerals in terms of strong teeth and bones, but minerals are far more important than that. Every living cell depends on minerals for proper function, structure and electrical conductivity. The body uses and requires more than 80 minerals for complete balanced health.

Our society is realizing that proper nutrition is key to a long and healthy life. What we don't realize is that in today's world modern commercial farming methods don't allow the soils to rest and restore themselves and the end product is not the nutrient-rich food we believe we're getting.

Most of the U.S. population is deficient in essential minerals.

Many people are turning to supplements to obtain their daily nutritional requirements. Unfortunately, most dietary mineral supplements currently on the market have extremely low absorption rates and are not very bioavailable. There is little benefit from taking dietary mineral supplements that are not being completely used by the body.

In a nutshell, you can have all the air, water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins you want but you won't achieve health and wellness without a complete balance of minerals in the correct form. When given the right materials in the right form the body can do amazing things to promote its own health.

ActivFulvic 16oz, 32 Day Supply, Mineralife
Silica Liquid Ionic Supplement, 48 Day Supply, 8 oz, Mineralife
Alkalizer PH Supplement, 2 fl oz, Mineralife
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Blood Sugar Support Mineral Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Boron Liquid Ionic Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Calcium / Magnesium - 8oz - 48 Day Supply Mineralife
Calcium Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Chromium Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Cobalt Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Copper Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Daily Multiple Supplement Mineralife
Fulvic Trace Fulvic Mineral Supplement - 16 oz, Mineralife
Germanium Ionic Mineral Supplement, 120 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Iodine Supplement Mineralife, 4 oz
Iron Ionic Mineral Supplement, 48 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Liquid Ionic Manganese Concentrate, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Magnesium Flakes, 4 lbs, Mineralife
Magnesium Oil Ionic Mineral Supplement - 8 oz - 60 Day Supply, Mineralife
Magnesium Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Coffee Flavored Magnesium, 96 Day Supply, 8 oz Mineralife
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Molybdenum Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Potassium Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 48 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Raspberry Flavored Potassium, 48 Day Supply, 8 oz, Mineralife
Raw Baobab Fruit Powder, 180 grams, Mineralife
Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement, Mineralife
Selenium Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Silver Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 8 oz, Mineralife
Zinc Supplement, Ionic Mineral Supplement, 96 Day Supply - 8 oz, Mineralife
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.