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Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement, Mineralife

Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement, Mineralife
Item# 891663002032

Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement, Mineralife
Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement is the only electrolyte fully compatible with all hydration systems and unlike sports drinks or electrolyte-replacement powders or gels, ReHydrate can be added to your hydration system without the sticky stuff to clean up when you're done. ReHydrate Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement requires no more cleanup for your pack than plain water.


  • Are you an athlete, marathon runner or someone who works outside in the heat?
  • Do you experience muscle cramps during intense workouts?
  • Do you drink sports drinks but do not want all the extra calories and sugars the usually contain?
  • Are you looking for a natural replacement for sports drinks that does not contain sugar, artifical sweeteners, artificial colors or flavors?

If you said Yes to any of the above questions, Mineralife has a revoluntionary product for you, Rehydrate. Rehydrate is an electrolyte replacement solution that when added to ordinary water can replenish vital electrolytes including Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium lost through sweat. Proper hydration requires the right balance of electrolytes and water. But electrolytes are much more than the Sodium and Potassium that most sport drinks contain. In fact, Magnesium is required for the metabolism of carbohydrates and low levels of Magnesium can cause muscle cramping. Rehydrate provides the right blend of electrolytes without any added sugar or artificial ingredients.

Maximum Hydration = Maximum Performance

  • Get there with Rehydrate.
  • Each serving supplies 45mg Magnesium, 390mg Chloride, 125mg Sodium, 130mg Potassium, and 20mg Sulfate.
  • No Sugar
  • No Artificial Sweeteners
  • No Artificial Colors
  • No Artificial Flavors
  • Convenient to use?just add to water.
  • No sticky clean up of water bottles or packs

TESTIMONIAL: What we like about ReHydrate is the simplicity of the product, it?s natural ingredients, and it's delivery system. ReHydrate offers electrolytes with nothing else added in a liquid form. Just add a serving to your water bottle and you?re ready to go. If you just want electrolytes with no added taste, ReHydrate is the way to go, especially if you don?t like carrying pills and keeping track of them while training or racing. (Fitness 19, Colorado Springs)

Adding ReHydrate Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement to water creates instant and effective hydration during long rides, hikes or races. ReHydrate only contains electrolytes and nothing else; the essential components needed to be able to recover faster after an extensive physical routine. Electrolytes are essential to our health. They help our body absorb water and control fluid balance. Although drinking water during exercise is critical to avoid dehydration, drinking plain water that is not fortified with electrolytes can lead to a serious condition called hyponatremia. Hyponatremia occurs when blood sodium concentration falls to extremely low levels, which can result in seizures, coma, and even death. Electrolytes not only prevent dehydration, but they're critical to muscle function, nerve conduction, energy production and flow, and heart function. For the endurance athlete, a major benefit of electrolytes is that they help prevent muscle cramps, which can impede performance.

Sugar-laden sports drinks can be overwhelming. While carbohydrates are necessary for the body to manufacture energy, drinking sugar in every gulp fatigues the palette, causes nausea and bloating, and, in some instances, provides more calories than is necessary. ReHydrate Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement maximizes every squeeze from your water bottle because it provides only what your body needs and nothing extra to weigh you down.

Athletes must be careful to avoid a shortage of electrolytes during training: Loss of electrolytes through sweat must be replaced, but most sports drink and electrolyte replacement supplements, powders, and gels ignore the fact that the body also uses an additional balance of minerals beyond sodium and potassium. One essential electrolyte is magnesium, which is necessary for energy production, muscle contraction, cardiovascular and respiratory function. Another important reason athletes need to supplement with a balance of electrolytes is that if minerals (electrolytes) become depleted, negative effects like cramping occur. Magnesium, not sodium, can help prevent muscle cramps. Studies show that the body needs up to 70 minerals to function correctly.

Sweat contains more than sodium and potassium: While sodium and potassium are two important elements in sweat, they are not the only ones. Sweat also contains magnesium, chloride, and many other trace minerals.

It is better to replace electrolytes throughout activity: The best way to replace electrolytes is in moderated quantities every time you drink, not in short, concentrated bursts.

MineraLife produces a complete line of professional grade liquid ionic mineral supplements including Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, and many others. We sell various liquid ionic mineral supplements such as ionic Magnesium concentrate, Potassium dietary supplement, ionic Calcium concentrate, Vanadium dietary supplement, ionic Boron concentrate, Germanium mineral concentrate, and ionic Copper concentrate.

Brand: Mineralife
Rehydrate Electrolyte Drink Supplement - 4 oz


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.