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Organic Corn Silk, 18 bag, Buddha Teas
Organic Corn Silk, 18 bag, Buddha Teas
Item# 819005010033

Buddha Orgranic Corn Silk Tea is a truly unique brew, crafted from corn on the cob's silk strands. With a smooth and savory flavor, this tea makes a special addition to any tea collection.

Corn Silk Tea Health Benefits

  • Source of vitamin C
  • Rich in vitamin K
  • Earthy, sweet flavor
  • 18 Bleach Free Tea Bags / Box

Brewing Suggestions

For a proper cup of tea ...

  • Recommended temperature: 205°
  • Cover and steep to taste.
  • Remove tea bag and enjoy!

In the Know

If you have any experience with removing the husk from an ear of corn, you're certainly familiar with the long silk strands peeking out from under the husk. Although it may surprise you, these silky tassels, which are often tossed out with the rest of the husk, are actually useful in their own right. Though it may seem odd that the discarded part of a treat as delicious as corn on the cob actually boasts remarkable healing capabilities, it's true. Buddha Teas Corn Silk Tea is one tea worth exploring.

What is Cornsilk?

Corn is one of the most significant of the North American grains, and historically a food staple of numerous Native American tribes. However, few people know that these tribes did not only harvest corn to eat the kernels, but they also saved the corn silk, or stigmas to brew as an herbal tea. Few people are aware of the remarkable ways that corn's long silks at the tip of the “ear” benefit common ailments. When used medicinally, a fascinating transformation occurs from initial harvesting of the fresh yellow silks. As the crop dries, it becomes curly and brown, before sometimes being made into a powder.

What does Corn Silk Tea taste like?

Buddha Teas Corn Silk Tea provides a truly delightful earthy, slightly sweet flavor. It tastes so smooth and nurturing, we are sure that once you delve into this tea, you’re going to want to keep it stocked for daily consumption.

How to make Corn Silk Tea

A good boil is recommended, and decent steep. Try experimenting with other teas to enhance the benefits, such as: St. John's Wort Tea, and Lemon Balm Tea.

Buy Corn Silk Tea

With so much of today's produced corn being genetically modified, Buddha Teas goes the extra mile to ensure that our corn silk tea is all certified organic and GMO-free, guaranteeing a refreshing natural tisane for you to delight in. This tea is a wonderful herbal tea option that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Our teas are all natural and packaged in bleach free tea bags and are guaranteed to meet your satisfaction.

Why choose Buddha Teas?

What sets us apart from other tea companies? We start with a philosophy of living in harmony with nature, not using it for profit. Buddha Teas uses only fresh, pure organic or sustainably wild harvested ingredients and maintains their natural purity in every tea we sell. We have also created the "Teas for Trees" campaign, planting 5000 trees a year to offset the paper use in our tea bags. Each of our tea bags is bleach-free to eliminate the risk of chemicals, and our boxes are made from 100% recycled material. When you buy Buddha Teas, you'll enjoy the fresh, full flavor of a truly natural tea in every sip.

Brand: Buddha Teas
Organic Corn Silk, 18 bag


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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.