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More Precious Than Gold Pascalite Book, 336 pages

More Precious Than Gold Pascalite Book, 336 pages
Item# pascalite-book

This is the compelling and touching personal story of the Pendergrafts and their 60+ year struggle to make Pascalite available to the public. A wonderful book for those who want to know more about the history of Pascalite and the family behind this intriguing clay and their dedication to making it available to others. Hard to put down! Paperback, 336 pages, with photographs.


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Pascalite Powder Bag, 100% Pure - 5 lb, Pascalite Inc pascalite-powder-bag-5-lb
Pascalite Powder Bag, 100% Pure - 25 lb, Pascalite Inc
Pascalite Powder, 100% Pure - 16 oz, Pascalite Inc
Pascalite Powder, 100% Pure - 16 oz, Pascalite Inc pascalite-powder-16-oz
Pasca-Balm Natural Skin Ointment - 5 oz, Pascalite Inc
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