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Sore Throat Supplements

We carry a wide range of supplements to help relieve a sore throat.

Eucalyptus Oil , 10ml, Wind River Herbs
Dynamic Health Labs Original Apple Cider Vinegar 16oz
Dynamic Health Labs Original Apple Cider Vinegar 16oz 790223100341
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Prince Gold Fluaid Oral Pain Reliever
Prince Gold Fluaid Oral Pain Reliever D-03002A
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
PrinceGold Coldaid Oral Pain Reliever
PrinceGold Coldaid Oral Pain Reliever D-03001A
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Cayenne Pepper Powder 4 oz.  40 m.h.u., Best Botanicals
Cayenne Pepper Powder 4 oz. 40 m.h.u., Best Botanicals 10706BB
Fenugreek Seed Powder Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Fenugreek Seed Powder Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10008BB
Eucalyptus Oil , .5 oz, Wind River Herbs
Lemon Oil, 10ml, Wind River Herbs
Cayenne Pepper Powder 4 oz. 90 m.h.u., Best Botanicals
Cayenne Pepper Powder 4 oz. 90 m.h.u., Best Botanicals 10708BB
Coldaid Concentrated Herbal Extract Tea - 10 bags, Prince of Peace
Coldaid Concentrated Herbal Extract Tea - 10 bags, Prince of Peace D-0300IA
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
 The Original Unker's Salve, 1oz.
Garlic Bulb Powder Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Garlic Bulb Powder Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10026BB
Red Raspberry Leaf Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Red Raspberry Leaf Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10040BB
Cayenne Pepper Powder 8 oz.  40 m.h.u., Best Botanicals
Lobelia Herb Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Lobelia Herb Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10048BB
Sage Leaf Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Lemon Oil, .5 oz, Wind River Herbs
Hylands Nuage Tissue Salts Kali Muriaticum 6X 125 Tabs
Hylands Nuage Tissue Salts Kali Muriaticum 6X 125 Tabs 354973522480
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands NuAge Tissue Salts Calcarea Sulphurica 6X 125 Tabs
Hylands NuAge Tissue Salts Calcarea Sulphurica 6X 125 Tabs 354973204980
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands NuAge Tissue K Throat 125 Tabs
Hylands NuAge Tissue K Throat 125 Tabs 354973091184
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Lobelia Herb Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Lobelia Herb Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10061BB
Olbas Therapeutic, Olbas Lozenges, Sugar Free, Black Currant Flavor, 24 Lozenges
Olbas Therapeutic, Olbas Lozenges, Sugar Free, Black Currant Flavor, 24 Lozenges 715486506204
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Olbas Pastilles Maximum Strength Herbal Cough Drops - 27 Pastilles - 27 Drops
Olbas Pastilles Maximum Strength Herbal Cough Drops - 27 Pastilles - 27 Drops 715486506105
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Fenugreek Seed Powder Organic 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Date Sugar Powder Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Date Sugar Powder Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10081BB
Fenugreek Seed Whole Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Fenugreek Seed Whole Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10082BB
Watercress Plant Cut 4 oz., Best BotanicalsKombucha 2000, Instant Energy, 30 Tablets
Kombucha 2000, Instant Energy, 30 Tablets 726034000129
Hawthorn Leaf & Flower Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Hawthorn Leaf & Flower Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10106BB
Vadik Herbs Kachnar Powder ( Bauhinia tormentosa ) - 8 oz
Vadik Herbs Kachnar Powder ( Bauhinia tormentosa ) - 8 oz 100DD32
Heal All Herb 1 oz , Best BotanicalsGarlic Bulb Powder Organic 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Garlic Bulb Powder Organic 8 oz., Best Botanicals 10132BB
Unker's Therapeutic Spray | 3 oz. Roll-on
Red Raspberry Leaf Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Red Raspberry Leaf Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10147BB
Sage Leaf Cut Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Sage Leaf Cut Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10148BB
Eucalyptus Oil , 1 oz, Wind River Herbs
Complete Flu Care 4 Kids Hylands
Complete Flu Care 4 Kids Hylands 354973324114
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Blue Violet Leaf Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Blue Violet Leaf Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10158BB
Watercress Plant Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Watercress Plant Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10166BB
MouthFresh Natural Mouth Wash - 16 oz, Vegan, NutriBiotic
Wellness Cough Syrup for Kids Cherry, 4 oz Syrup, Source Naturals
Wellness Cough Syrup for Kids Cherry, 4 oz Syrup, Source Naturals 021078021858
Severe Cold & Flu Hylands
Severe Cold & Flu Hylands 354973000000a
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Defend Cold & Cough Nighttime Hylands
Defend Cold & Cough Nighttime Hylands 354973312340
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Defend Cold & Cough Hylands
Defend Cold & Cough Hylands 354973312449
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Wellness Cough Syrup, 4 oz Syrup, Source Naturals
Wellness Cough Syrup, 4 oz Syrup, Source Naturals 021078013303
Han's Honey Loquat Syrup - 8.5 oz, Prince of Peace
Han's Honey Loquat Syrup - 8.5 oz, Prince of Peace D-99888
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Lobelia Herb Powder 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Lobelia Herb Powder 8 oz., Best Botanicals 10185BB
Sage Leaf Powder 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Slippery Elm Bark Extract 1 oz., Best BotanicalsHylands Mercurius Vivus 30C 2 dram
Hylands Mercurius Vivus 30C 2 dram 303609560846
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Belladonna 30C Hylands
Belladonna 30C Hylands 300360006026
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Sniffles'n Sneezes 4 Kids Hylands
Sniffles'n Sneezes 4 Kids Hylands 354973751910
Defend Cough Syrup Hylands
Defend Cough Syrup Hylands 354973318519
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Phosphorus 6X 250 Tabs
Hylands Phosphorus 6X 250 Tabs 354973062245
Hylands Mercurius Vivus 6X 250 Tabs
Hylands Mercurius Vivus 6X 250 Tabs 354973062047
Hylands Mercurius Vivus 30X 250 Tabs
Hylands Mercurius Vivus 30X 250 Tabs 354973292048
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Calcarea Phosphorica 30X 250 Tabs
Hylands Calcarea Phosphorica 30X 250 Tabs 354973290846
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Cold Tablets w/Zinc 50 Tabs
Hylands Cold Tablets w/Zinc 50 Tabs 354973301016
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Cold n Cough 4 Kids 4 oz
Hylands Cold n Cough 4 Kids 4 oz 354973307513
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Cayenne Pepper Powder 16 oz. 40 m.h.u., Best Botanicals
Cayenne Pepper Powder 16 oz. 40 m.h.u., Best Botanicals 10704BB
Elder Flower Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Elder Flower Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10237BB
Slippery Elm Bark Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Slippery Elm Bark Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10235BB
Date Sugar Powder Organic 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Date Sugar Powder Organic 8 oz., Best Botanicals 10243BB
Fenugreek Seed Whole Organic 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Watercress Plant Cut 8 oz., Best BotanicalsSlippery Elm Bark Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Slippery Elm Bark Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10257BB
Hylands Night Time Cold N Cough 4 Kids 4 oz
Hylands Night Time Cold N Cough 4 Kids 4 oz 354973309814
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
4 Kids Complete Cold 'N Flu Hylands
4 Kids Complete Cold 'N Flu Hylands 354973318618
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hawthorn Berry Powder 8 oz., Best BotanicalsLinden Leaf & Flower Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Fenugreek Seed Powder Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Fenugreek Seed Powder Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10282BB
Hawthorn Berry Extract 1 oz., Best Botanicals
Lemon Oil, 1 oz, Wind River Herbs
Red Root Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Red Root Cut 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10289BB
Hylands Sore Throat 100 Tabs
Hylands Sore Throat 100 Tabs 354973912021
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
The Original Unker's Salve, 3.5 oz
Baby Nighttime Mucus Cold Relief Hylands
Baby Nighttime Mucus Cold Relief Hylands 354973325111
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Elder Flower Cut Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Elder Flower Cut Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10329BB
Stone Root Cut 4 oz., Best BotanicalsHylands Kali Muriaticum 6X 500 Tabs
Hylands Kali Muriaticum 6X 500 Tabs 354973522411
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Kali Muriaticum 30X 500 Tabs
Hylands Kali Muriaticum 30X 500 Tabs 354973310513
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Calcarea Sulphurica 6X 500 Tabs
Hylands Calcarea Sulphurica 6X 500 Tabs 354973204911
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Calcarea Sulphurica 30X 500 Tabs
Hylands Calcarea Sulphurica 30X 500 Tabs 354973310315
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Calcarea Phosphorica 6X 500 Tabs
Hylands Calcarea Phosphorica 6X 500 Tabs 354973204317
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Calcarea Phosphorica 30x 500 Tabs
Hylands Calcarea Phosphorica 30x 500 Tabs 354973310216
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Bayberry Tincture - 1oz
Calendula Tincture - 1 oz
Cayenne Tincture - 1 oz
Collinsonia Root Tincture - 1 oz
Lemon Balm - 1 oz
Marshmallow Root - 1 oz
Slippery Elm Bark Tincture - 1 oz
Yerba Mansa Tincture - 1 oz
Red Root - 32oz
Blue Violet Leaf Cut 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Blue Violet Leaf Cut 8 oz., Best Botanicals 10337BB
Watercress Plant Powder 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Burdock Blend Tincture - 1 oz
Red Root Throat Blend - 1 oz
Usnea Tincture - 1 oz
Grapefruit Seed Extract GSE 250 mg Vegan Capsules - 60 Capsules, NutriBiotic
Garlic Bulb Powder Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Garlic Bulb Powder Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10359BB
Blue Violet Leaf Powder 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Blue Violet Leaf Powder 8 oz., Best Botanicals 10370BB
Osha Root Tincture - 1 oz
Wellness Cough Syrup for Kids Cherry, 8 oz Syrup, Source Naturals
Wellness Cough Syrup for Kids Cherry, 8 oz Syrup, Source Naturals 021078021865
Echinacea Root Glycerite (Alcohol Free) - 1 oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite - 1 oz
Propolis Tincture - 1 oz
The Original Unker's Spray, 1oz.
Red Raspberry Leaf Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Red Raspberry Leaf Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10401BB
Lobelia Herb Cut Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals
Lobelia Herb Cut Organic 4 oz., Best Botanicals 10415BB
Wellness Cough Syrup, 8 oz Syrup, Source Naturals
Wellness Cough Syrup, 8 oz Syrup, Source Naturals 021078013525
Eucalyptus Oil , 2 oz, Wind River Herbs
Sage Leaf Powder 16 oz., Best BotanicalsSlippery Elm Bark Cut 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Slippery Elm Bark Cut 8 oz., Best Botanicals 10434BB
Linden Leaf & Flower Cut 8 oz., Best BotanicalsRed Root Cut 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Oil of Garlic Extract 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Red Raspberry Leaves, 100 Capsules - Dr. Christopher's
Date Sugar Powder Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Date Sugar Powder Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10487BB
Fenugreek Seed Whole Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Fenugreek Seed Whole Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10488BB
Kid-e-Reg Extract, Constipation Remedy, 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
4 Kids Cold 'N Cough Day & Night Value Pack Hylands
4 Kids Cold 'N Cough Day & Night Value Pack Hylands 354973317710
Comfrey Root Extract 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Black Cohosh Root (Cimicifuga racemosa) 8 oz Cut & Sifted, Vadik Herbs
Black Cohosh Root (Cimicifuga racemosa) 8 oz Cut & Sifted, Vadik Herbs blackcohoshroot8ozcutsiftedvh
Hawthorn Berry Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Hawthorn Berry Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10515BB
Stone Root Cut 8 oz., Best Botanicals
Glandular System Massage Oil 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Kid-e-Well Extract, Immune Supplement, 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Respiratory Massage Oil 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
The Original Unker's Salve, 7oz.
Tea Tree Oil, 100% Pure - 2 fl oz, Tea Tree Therapy
Tea Tree Oil, 100% Pure - 2 fl oz, Tea Tree Therapy 637792100603
Nose Ointment 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Cherry Bark Cough Soother - 3.4oz
Mouth Tonic - 3.4oz
Vadik Herbs Kachnar ( Bauhinia tormentosa ), 450mg/capsule  - 100 Vegicaps Capsules
Vadik Herbs Kachnar ( Bauhinia tormentosa ), 450mg/capsule - 100 Vegicaps Capsules 100K46
Kid-e-Mune Extract, Immune System Supplement, 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Respiratory Syrup 4 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Black Cohosh Root (Cimicifuga racemosa) 8 oz powder, Vadik Herbs
Black Cohosh Root (Cimicifuga racemosa) 8 oz powder, Vadik Herbs blackcohoshroot8ozpowdervh
Cayenne Pepper Powder Organic 4 oz. 200 m.h.u., Best Botanicals
Cayenne Pepper Powder Organic 4 oz. 200 m.h.u., Best Botanicals 10703BB
Red Raspberry Leaf Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Red Raspberry Leaf Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10543BB
Lemon Oil, 2 oz, Wind River Herbs
Cold Season Supplement, 100 Capsules - Dr. Christopher's
Sen Sei Menthol Rub Ointment 2 oz. - Dr. Christopher's
Blue Violet Leaf Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Blue Violet Leaf Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10557BB
Watercress Plant Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Watercress Plant Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10563BB
Lobelia Herb Cut Organic 8 oz., Best Botanicals
The Original Unker's Spray, 2oz.
Blue Violet Leaf Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Blue Violet Leaf Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10574BB
Hylands Kali Muriaticum 6X 1000 Tabs
Hylands Kali Muriaticum 6X 1000 Tabs 354973522428
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Calcarea Sulphurica 6X 1000 Tabs
Hylands Calcarea Sulphurica 6X 1000 Tabs 354973204928
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Hylands Calcarea Phosphorica 6X 1000 Tabs
Hylands Calcarea Phosphorica 6X 1000 Tabs 354973204324
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Red Root - 1 oz
Yerba Mansa Tincture - 2oz, Wind River Herbs
Slippery Elm Bark Tincture - 2oz
Marshmallow Root - 2oz
Lemon Balm - 2oz
Collinsonia Root Tincture - 2oz
Cayenne Tincture - 2oz
Calendula Tincture - 2oz
Bayberry Tincture - 2oz
Usnea Tincture - 2oz
Red Root Throat Blend - 2oz
Burdock Blend Tincture - 2oz
Osha Root Tincture - 2oz
Elder Flower Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Elder Flower Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10615BB
Slippery Elm Bark Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Slippery Elm Bark Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10613BB
Propolis Tincture - 2oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite - 2oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite (Alcohol Free) - 2oz
Slippery Elm Bark Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Slippery Elm Bark Powder 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10623BB
Eucalyptus Oil , 4 oz, Wind River Herbs
Red Root Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Red Root Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10638BB
Malva Leaf Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Malva Leaf Cut 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10643BB
Winter Savory Herb Cut Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals
The Original Unker's Salve,13.5 oz.
Cayenne Pepper Powder Organic 8 oz. 200 m.h.u., Best Botanicals
Cayenne Pepper Powder Organic 8 oz. 200 m.h.u., Best Botanicals 10702BB
Stone Root Cut 16 oz., Best BotanicalsKids Kit Hylands
Kids Kit Hylands 354973982949
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Lobelia Herb Cut Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals
Lobelia Herb Cut Organic 16 oz., Best Botanicals 10672BB
Lemon Oil, 4 oz, Wind River Herbs
The Original Unker's Spray, 4oz.
Yerba Mansa Tincture - 4oz, Wind River Herbs
Slippery Elm Bark Tincture - 4oz
Red Root - 2oz
Marshmallow Root - 4oz
Lemon Balm - 4oz
Collinsonia Root Tincture - 4oz
Cayenne Tincture - 4oz
Calendula Tincture - 4oz
Bayberry Tincture - 4oz
Usnea Tincture - 4oz
Red Root Throat Blend - 4oz
Burdock Blend Tincture - 4oz
Osha Root Tincture - 4oz
Propolis Tincture - 4oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite - 4oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite (Alcohol Free) - 4oz
Eucalyptus Oil , 8 oz, Wind River Herbs
Cayenne Pepper Powder Organic 16 oz. 200 m.h.u., Best Botanicals
Cayenne Pepper Powder Organic 16 oz. 200 m.h.u., Best Botanicals 10701BB
 The Original Unker's Salve,1oz. Case of 12
Lemon Oil, 8 oz, Wind River Herbs
Yerba Mansa Tincture - 8oz, Wind River Herbs
Slippery Elm Bark Tincture - 8oz
Red Root - 4oz
Marshmallow Root - 8oz
Lemon Balm - 8oz
Collinsonia Root Tincture - 8oz
Cayenne Tincture - 8oz
Calendula Tincture - 8oz
Bayberry Tincture - 8oz
Usnea Tincture - 8oz
Red Root Throat Blend - 8oz
Burdock Blend Tincture - 8oz
Osha Root Tincture - 8oz
Propolis Tincture - 8oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite - 8oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite (Alcohol Free) - 8oz
The Original Unker's Roll-On .25oz., Roll On Balm, Case of 12
 The Original Unker's Salve, 3.5oz. Case of 12
Yerba Mansa Tincture - 16oz, Wind River Herbs
Slippery Elm Bark Tincture - 16oz
Red Root - 8oz
Marshmallow Root - 16oz
Lemon Balm - 16oz
Collinsonia Root Tincture - 16oz
Cayenne Tincture - 16oz
Calendula Tincture - 16oz
Bayberry Tincture - 16oz
Usnea Tincture - 16oz
Red Root Throat Blend - 16oz
Burdock Blend Tincture - 16oz
Osha Root Tincture - 16oz
Propolis Tincture - 16oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite - 16oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite (Alcohol Free) - 16oz
The Original Unker's Spray, Natu-Rub 1oz. Case of 12
 The Original Unker's Salve, 7oz., Case of 12
The Original Unker's Spray, Natu-Rub 2oz. Case of 12
Yerba Mansa Tincture - 32oz, Wind River Herbs
Slippery Elm Bark Tincture - 32oz
Red Root - 16oz
Marshmallow Root - 32oz
Lemon Balm - 32oz
Collinsonia Root Tincture - 32oz
Cayenne Tincture - 32oz
Calendula Tincture - 32oz
Bayberry Tincture - 32oz
Usnea Tincture - 32oz
Red Root Throat Blend - 32oz
Burdock Blend Tincture - 32oz
Osha Root Tincture - 32oz
Propolis Tincture - 32oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite - 32oz
Echinacea Root Glycerite (Alcohol Free) - 32oz
 The Original Unker's Salve, 13.5oz. Case of 12
The Original Unker's Spray, Natu-Rub 4oz. Case of 12
Sore Throat Syrup, 4 oz, Thayers
Sore Throat Syrup, 4 oz, Thayers 041507066052
Two Trees Lozenges, 42 loz, Thayers
Two Trees Lozenges, 42 loz, Thayers 041507065406
Item is currently out of stock/or no longer available
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor, Physician or Other Health Care Professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program and before taking any natural medication or if you have or suspect you might have a health issue.